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Case TitleMeyer v. Social Security
DistrictNorthern District of Illinois
Case Number1:2014cv04604
Date Filed2014-06-18
Date Closed2014-06-24
JudgeHonorable Ronald A. Guzman
PlaintiffEric Meyer
Case DescriptionEric Meyer and a number of other plaintiffs filed suit against the Social Security Administration and other federal government components seeking to invalidate the privacy restrictions contained in the privacy regulations for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, arguing that they prohibit unrelated individuals from contacting each other. This is not a FOIA action, but instead is an attempt to repeal privacy restrictions on personal information.
Complaint issues: Withholding not related to exemption claims

DefendantSocial Security
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2014-06-181MOTION by Plaintiff Eric Meyer to Upgrade Sovereignties. (tlm) (Entered: 06/20/2014)
2014-06-182CIVIL Cover Sheet. (tlm) (Entered: 06/20/2014)
2014-06-183PRO SE Appearance by Plaintiff Eric Meyer. (tlm) (Entered: 06/20/2014)
2014-06-184APPLICATION by Plaintiff Eric Meyer for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and financial affidavit. (tlm) (Entered: 06/20/2014)
2014-06-245ORDER Entered by the Honorable Ronald A. Guzman on 6/24/2014: Plaintiff asks to proceed in forma paupers ("IFP") in this suit, which he captions "Motion to Upgrade Sovereignties." The first paragraph of the complaint, which is illustrative of the rest, states: Now, here comes the petitioners, to respectfully wishing to move the court to grant all petitioners the maximum sovereignty permitted by law by combining in summation method all sovereignties of all the petitioners, so we in the future we may change laws and regulations of the respondents. Specifically, petitioners humbly wish to partially or totally repeal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPAA), in short term with these respondents and in long term a total repeal on Federal level, so it is easier for unmarried but interested adults to find each other and not be restricted due to limited contact information or details. This sovereignty will be dual purpose: It is expected to help us pass the Divine Leaders Protection Act, filed 17 June 2014 as 14CV4543 in Chicago District Federal Court with judge Coleman and magistrate Judge Cox. The only thing that is clear from this complaint is that whatever relief Meyer is seeking this Court cannot provide. Accordingly, the Court denies his application to proceed IFP and dismisses this case. See 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e). SO ORDERED. ENTERED: June 24, 2014 Civil case terminated. Mailed notice (tlm) (Entered: 06/24/2014)
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