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FOIA Activity: 6 New Procedural or Substantive Decisions

by FOIA Project Staff on July 19th, 2023

We have added 6 decisions of a procedural or substantive nature filed between July 9, 2023 and July 15, 2023. These are associated with 6 FOIA cases pending in federal district court. Note that because there can be delays between the date a decision is made and when it shows up on PACER, this listing includes only decisions that appeared on PACER during this period.

Click on the date to view the full text of the decision. Click on a case title below to view other details for that case, including links to the docket report and complaint.

  1. CAS 3:2023cv00912Cohen v. United States Coast Guard

    • July 12, 2023: ORDER Setting Case Management Conference; Tentative Scheduling Order. Case Management Conference set for 7/21/2023 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Karen S. Crawford. Signed by Magistrate Judge Karen S. Crawford on 7/12/23.(All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(aas)

    • July 11, 2023: MEMORANDUM OPINION regarding the government's [19] Motion for Summary Judgment and plaintiff's [32] Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Beryl A. Howell on July 11, 2023. (lcbah4)
  3. FLM 6:2021cv01169Llamas et al v. U.S. Customs and Border Protection et al

    • July 11, 2023: ORDER granting in part and denying in part 39 Amended Joint Motion to Stay Case. This cause is hereby STAYED for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of this Order. On or before expiration of this ninety (90) day period, the parties sh all file a joint status report. If the parties contend that an extension of the stay is warranted, the status report must provide the production schedule, and detail as to what production remains outstanding. Signed by Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman Price on 7/11/2023. (MKH)
  4. NYS 1:2021cv00954No More Deaths et al v. United States Customs and Border Protection

    • July 12, 2023: ORDER Unless there is a matter that requires the Court's attention, the parties shall provide another status letter upon the completion of the production, or by December 29, 2023, whichever is sooner. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge John P. Cronan on 7/12/2023) (jca)
  5. NYS 1:2021cv02166Bonner v. Federal Bureau Of Investigation et al

    • July 10, 2023: ORDER. The Court accordingly orders that-by one month from today, that is, August 10, 2023-the CIA fully complete its FOIA review and identify for the Court and plaintiff Bonner in writing, and with specificity, all aspects of the as-yet unreview ed material for which it asserts an exemption, so as to enable prompt briefing on any such claims. The Court further orders that by Friday, July 14, 2023, the parties propose an expedited schedule for supplemental briefing of summary judgment moti ons directed to the newly claimed exemptions. The Court has two additional-more prosaic-orders in response to the parties' July 7 joint letter. The Court's fourth request in its July 5 order was not heeded in the joint letter. The Court had ordered the parties to supply the documents at issue with the exemption(s) applicable to each redaction identified. However, the documents at Docket 65, Exhibits A, B, and C, have unintelligible exemption numbers in the margins. These do not clearly correspond to any one redaction or any grouping of redactions on a particular page. By July 14, 2023, the parties are to refile the documents in such a fashion that, for each redaction on each page, the corresponding presently asserted exemption ( s) are clearly identified. Thus, if a page contains five redactions, there should be five margin notes identifying the corresponding claimed exemption(s). The parties may, of course, address together redactions on a page that are covered by the sa me exemption by clearly indicating such. This filing will assist the Court in its work, which will continue, towards resolving the presently claimed exemptions. Relatedly, the Court orders the parties, also by July 14, 2023, to file an index that sorts the currently claimed redactions by exemption(s). The index should state the number of redactions asserted under only Exemption 1; under only Exemption 3; under both Exemption 1 and 3; and so forth; and indicate where these redactions appea r in the documents at issue (e.g., "In the group of redactions under both Exemptions 1 and 3, one redaction is found on page 1 of Exhibit A, five redactions are found on page 2 of Exhibit B…. "). SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Paul A. Engelmayer on 7/10/23) (yv)
  6. WAW 2:2021cv01166Stepien v. Spinrad et al

    • July 10, 2023: ORDER re Briefing Schedule. Deadline for Plaintiff to file her motion for summary judgment is 8/18/2023, Deadline for Defendants to file their joint opposition to Plaintiff's motion and Defendants' cross-motion for summary judgment 9/15/2023, Deadline for Plaintiff to file her reply and opposition to Defendant's cross-motion is 9/29/2023, Deadline for Defendants' reply is 10/13/2023. Signed by Hon. S. Kate Vaughan. (SB)

From → Decisions, FOIA, PACER

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