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Case TitleWestern Watersheds Project v. National Park Service
DistrictDistrict of Idaho
CityNextGen 1.6 Boise - Southern
Case Number1:2021cv00219
Date Filed2021-05-20
Date Closed2021-12-08
JudgeJudge David C. Nye
PlaintiffWestern Watersheds Project
Case DescriptionThe Watershed Project submitted nine FOIA requests to the National Park Service for records concerning a variety of topics. The agency acknowledged receipt of the requests but after failing to respond, the Watershed Project filed suit.
Complaint issues: Failure to respond within statutory time limit, Adequacy - Search, Litigation - Attorney's fees

DefendantNational Park Service
DefendantU.S. Department of Interior
Complaint attachment 1
Complaint attachment 2
Opinion/Order [11]
Opinion/Order [19]
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2021-05-201COMPLAINT against National Park Service ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number AIDDC-2218065.), filed by Western Watersheds Project. (Attachments: # 1 Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons)(Brooks, Talasi)
2021-05-202Corporate Disclosure Statement by Western Watersheds Project. (Brooks, Talasi)
2021-05-203MOTION FOR PRO HAC VICE APPEARANCE by John Persell. ( Filing fee $ 250 receipt number AIDDC-2218140.)Talasi B Brooks appearing for Plaintiff Western Watersheds Project. Responses due by 6/10/2021 (Brooks, Talasi)
2021-05-214DOCKET ENTRY ORDER approving 3 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of attorney John Persell for Western Watersheds Project Per Local Rule 83.4(e), out-of-state counsel shall immediately register for ECF. (Notice sent to CM/ECF Registration Clerk) (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (alw)
2021-05-215Summons Issued as to National Park Service. (Print attached Summons for service.) (alw)
2021-06-026CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Western Watersheds Project re 1 Complaint, 5 Summons Issued (Attachments: # 1 Certified Mail and Postage Receipts)(Persell, John)
2021-06-257MOTION to Transfer Case Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) Robert Burke Firpo appearing for Defendant National Park Service. Responses due by 7/16/2021 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3)(Firpo, Robert)
2021-07-168RESPONSE to Motion re 7 MOTION to Transfer Case Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) filed by Western Watersheds Project. Replies due by 7/30/2021. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Declaration of Nancy Linscott, # 2 Exhibit Email from A. Yamato to J. Ratner 1-15-21, # 3 Exhibit Declaration of Jonathan B. Ratner, # 4 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to GCNRA NPS-2020-00199, # 5 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to GCNRA DOI-NPS-2021-001449, # 6 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to DNM NPS-2019-00394, # 7 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to BCGNP DOI-NPS-2021-000622, # 8 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to CRNP NPS-2019-00057, # 9 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to CRNP NPS-2019-00750, # 10 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to CRNP NPS-2019-00408, # 11 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to CRNP NPS-2020-00835, # 12 Exhibit WWP FOIA Request to CRNP NPS-2019-00409)(Persell, John)
2021-07-289REPLY to Response to Motion re 7 MOTION to Transfer Case Under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) filed by National Park Service.Motion Ripe Deadline set for 7/29/2021.(Firpo, Robert)
2021-08-0610Joint MOTION to Expedite Consideration of Defendant's Request to Stay All Deadlines Pending Resolution of Defendant's Motion to Transfer Venue Robert Burke Firpo appearing for Defendant National Park Service. Responses due by 8/27/2021 (Firpo, Robert)
2021-08-1111MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. The Joint Motion to Expedite Consideration of Defendants Request to Stay all Deadlines (Dkt. 10 ) is GRANTED; The Request for a stay all deadlines, particularly to file an Answer, is DENIED; NPS shall file an answer or other responsive pleading on or before August 31, 2021. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (alw)
2021-08-3112ANSWER to 1 Complaint by National Park Service.(Firpo, Robert)
2021-09-0113NOTICE of Availability of Magistrate Judge and Requirement for Consent sent to counsel for National Park Service, Western Watersheds Project re 1 Complaint, 12 Answer to Complaint Consent/Objection to Magistrate due by 11/1/2021. (alw)
2021-09-0814AMENDED COMPLAINT First Amended Complaint against All Defendants, filed by Western Watersheds Project. (Attachments: # 1 Summons Summons to National Park Service, # 2 Summons Summons to U.S. Department of Interior)(Persell, John)
2021-09-0915Summons Issued as to All Defendants, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General (Print attached Summons for service.) (Attachments: # 1 summons)(alw)
2021-09-2216CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Western Watersheds Project re 15 Summons Issued as to USA, 14 Amended Complaint (Attachments: # 1 Certified Mail and Postage Receipts)(Persell, John)
2021-09-3017ANSWER to 14 Amended Complaint Answer to First Amended Complaint by National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior.(Firpo, Robert)
2021-10-2218Docket entry only - CONSENT to Magistrate Judge filed. (alw)
2021-11-02The 60 day deadline has expired. Case will remain with a District Judge. No more notice of availability or assignment will be sent out. Consent deadline(s) termed. (alw)
2021-12-0819MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. NPSs Motion to Transfer (Dkt. 7 ) is GRANTED; The Clerk of the Court shall take the steps necessary to transfer this case to theUnited States District Court for the District of Utah. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (alw)
2021-12-0820NOTICE. Case has been transferred to District of Utah. (alw)
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