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Use this tool to find cases that have been tagged as involving similar issues, such as adequacy of search, or the use of Exemption 5. As part of an ongoing initiative, the FOIA Project has to this date annotated 9421 cases from our much larger FOIA lawsuit database. New annotations are being added daily.
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Found 32 documents in 30 cases. (About FOIA Lawsuit Data)
Case Title
Case No.
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority v. Office of the Solicitor, of the U.S. Department of the Interior, et al. CAE1:2015cv014122015-09-172016-08-092016-08-09 Opinion/Order [30]
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STONEHILL v. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICEDC1:2006cv005992006-03-312008-02-182009-05-01 Opinion/Order [65]
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ICM REGISTRY, LLC v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE et alDC1:2006cv009492006-05-192008-03-122008-06-26 Opinion/Order [29]
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DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEDC1:2007cv007122007-04-192008-03-282008-03-27 Opinion/Order [16]
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GOODRICH CORPORATION et al v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYDC1:2008cv016252008-09-192009-01-162009-01-16 Opinion/Order [38]
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MUSLIM ADVOCATES v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEDC1:2009cv017542009-09-162012-01-132012-01-11 Opinion/Order [30]
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ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEDC1:2010cv006412010-04-262010-07-302011-09-19 Opinion/Order [46]
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CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS IN WASHINGTON v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DC1:2011cv005922011-03-222018-08-102018-08-08 Opinion/Order [36]
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BALL v. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DC1:2013cv006032013-04-302015-03-312015-03-31 Opinion/Order [23]
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MEZERHANE DE SCHNAPP v. UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES DC1:2013cv014612013-09-252015-09-022015-09-02 Opinion/Order [26]
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JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DC1:2014cv019352014-11-182016-02-022016-02-02 Opinion/Order [27]
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JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATEDC1:2015cv006872015-05-062021-08-03 Opinion/Order [41]
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HALL & ASSOCIATES v. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DC1:2015cv010552015-07-062018-03-312018-03-31 Opinion/Order [69]
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SLUSS v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DC1:2017cv000642017-01-112019-11-082019-12-16 Opinion/Order [59]
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BARTKO v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEDC1:2017cv007812017-04-272024-08-05 Opinion/Order [87]
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PROTECT DEMOCRACY PROJECT, INC. v. NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY DC1:2017cv010002017-05-242020-03-232020-05-08 Opinion/Order [44]
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AMERICAN OVERSIGHT v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES et al DC1:2017cv014482017-07-202019-03-302019-05-29 Opinion/Order [27]
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BUZZFEED, INC. et al v. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DC1:2018cv025672018-11-072020-05-072020-05-07 Opinion/Order [31]
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Bronx Defenders et al v. United States Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement et alNYS1:2004cv085762004-10-292006-03-222006-03-22 Opinion/Order [34]
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The New York Times Company et al v. Federal Bureau of InvestigationNYS1:2010cv079202010-10-182011-11-082011-11-08 Opinion/Order [23]
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Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. United States Department of Interior et alNYS1:2013cv009422013-02-082014-12-122014-12-12 Opinion/Order [90]
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American Civil Liberties Union et al v. United States Department of Justice NYS1:2013cv073472013-10-172017-05-032017-05-03 Opinion/Order [35]
Opinion/Order [61]
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The New York Times Company et al v. United States Department of Justice NYS1:2014cv003282014-01-172015-03-312015-03-31 Opinion/Order [36]
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The New York Times Company et al v. United States Department of Justice NYS1:2014cv037772014-05-282021-07-232021-07-23 Opinion/Order [33]
Opinion/Order [55]
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The New York Times Company, et al v. United States Department of the Treasury NYS1:2015cv057402015-07-222016-10-202016-10-20 Complaint
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Spadaro v. United States Customs and Border Protection et al NYS1:2016cv000162016-01-042019-03-272019-03-27 Opinion/Order [106]
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SAMAHON v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PAE2:2013cv064622013-11-062015-08-312015-08-31 Opinion/Order [31]
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Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association v. United States Army Corps of Engineers WAW2:2016cv001932016-02-092016-05-262016-05-26 Opinion/Order [25]
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Menasha Corporation et al v. United States Department of JusticeWIE1:2011cv006822011-07-152013-04-022013-03-28 Opinion/Order [41]
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by Jeff Lamicela
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