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Use this tool to find cases that have been tagged as involving similar issues, such as adequacy of search, or the use of Exemption 5. As part of an ongoing initiative, the FOIA Project has to this date annotated 9306 cases from our much larger FOIA lawsuit database. New annotations are being added daily.
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Found 16 documents in 7 cases. (About FOIA Lawsuit Data)
Case Title
Case No.
Anwar v. Boulder County Court CO1:2014cv002352014-01-272014-03-042014-03-04 Opinion/Order [5]
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PEREZ v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DC1:2013cv010842013-07-162014-03-192014-03-20 Opinion/Order [13]
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DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION et al v. DEPARTMENT OF STATE DC1:2015cv019792015-11-092017-04-302017-04-28 Complaint
Complaint attachment #1
Complaint attachment #2
Complaint attachment #3
Complaint attachment #4
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Brantley v. MyrickFLM2:2012cv003612012-07-052013-07-032013-07-05 Opinion/Order [29]
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Reedom v. Social Security et al GU1:2015cv000052015-03-172017-07-182018-03-21 Complaint
Complaint attachment #1
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Northwest Environmental Advocates v. United States Environmental Protection AgencyOR3:2013cv018602013-10-182014-04-232014-04-23 Complaint
Complaint attachment #1
Complaint attachment #2
Complaint attachment #3
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Muhlbeier et al v. Federal Emergency Management Agency TXN4:2016cv000042016-01-052016-03-282016-03-28 Complaint
Complaint attachment #1
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by Jeff Lamicela
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